Experiments with binary trees in C


This project records my experiments with various data structures such as binary heaps, redblack trees etc. I have done my best to make the implementations “clean” under static and runtime analysis. A simple interpreter provides a framework for testing each data structure. An example finds the intersections of line segments.


  • binaryHeap.h contains the public interface for a binary heap type.

  • list.h contains the public interface for a doubly linked list type.

  • stack.h contains the public interface for a stack type.

  • bsTree.h contains the public interface for a balanced tree type based on the pseudo-code in the paper by Andersson. See: “Balanced Search Trees Made Simple”, Arne Andersson, Proc. Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures, pp. 60-71, 1993.

  • redblackTree.h contains the public interface for a red-black tree type. See: “A dichromatic framework for balanced trees”, L. J. Guibas and R. Sedgewick, Proc. 19th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, October, 1978. This implementation is a modified version of the macros in tree.h by Niels Provos.

  • redblackCache.h contains the public interface for a cache implemented with a red-black tree.

  • trbTree.h contains the public interface for a threaded red-black tree type.

  • skipList.h contains the public interface for a skip list type. This implementation is based on jsw_slib.c by Julienne Walker. See: “Skip Lists: A Probabilistic Alternative to Balanced Trees”, William Pugh, Commun. ACM, June 1990, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp 668-676. Walker’s source code appears to no longer be available on the interwebs. A modified version is used by speedtables.

  • splayTree.h contains the public interface for a splay tree type. See :”Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees”, D.D. Sleator and R. E. Tarjan, Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 32, No. 3, July 1985, pp. 652-686. This implementation is a modified version of the macros in tree.h by Niels Provos. A splay tree has the advantage that the most recently accessed entry is moved to the root of the tree. On the other hand, when entries are accessed in sorted order, the tree is rearranged into a list-like structure with a corresponding increase in access time from \(\mathcal{O}(lg N)\) to \(\mathcal{O}(N)\). This splay tree implementation does not automatically rebalance the tree but does provide a splayTreeBalance() function to rebalance the tree when called by the user. See, for example, test/00/t0068a.sh.

  • splayCache.h contains the public interface for a cache implemented with a splay tree.

  • swTree.h contains the public interface for a binary tree that implements the rebalancing algorithm of Stout and Warren : “A simple algorithm is given which takes an arbitrary binary search tree and rebalances it to form another of optimal shape, using time linear in the number of nodes and only a constant amount of space (beyond that used to store the initial tree). This algorithm is therefore optimal in its use of both time and space.” See: “Tree Rebalancing in Optimal Time and Space”, Q. F. Stout and B. L. Warren, Communications of the ACM, September 1986, Volume 29, Number 9, pp. 902-908

  • sgTree.h contains the public interface for a binary tree that implements the scapegoat self-balancing binary search tree described by Galperin and Rivest. See “ScapegoatTrees”, Igal Galperin and Ronald L. Rivest.

Design of the interpreter

The interpreter for each data structure contains:

  1. interp_lex.l, interp_yacc.y and interp_ex.c implement a modified version of a simple interpreter shown in “A Compact Guide to Lex & Yacc” by Thomas Niemann.
  2. interp_wrapper.h defines the operations that may or may not be implemented for each data structure. For example, create and destroy, operating on the entire data structure, or insert, delete, push, pop etc. operating on the entries in the data structure.
  3. interp_callbacks.c defines interpreter call-back functions installed by the create operation. These call-back functions implement interpreter memory handling, a comparison operator and debugging messages.
  4. An implementation of the interpreter wrapper functions for each data structure. For example, binaryHeap_wrapper.c.
  5. A header file for the public interface of the data structure. For example, binaryHeap.h.
  6. An implementation of the data structure. For example, binaryHeap.c.

Notes on the data structure implementation:

  1. User data is passed to library as a void pointer to an entry type defined by the user in interp_data.h. That type may be a simple key, [ key , value pair etc. For simplicity with these examples, I have used size_t as the entry key only with no value.
  2. The data structure implementation does not directly declare static or global variable data. If the duplicateEntry() and/or deleteEntry() call-back functions are defined, then they will be called when appropriate. (The former is called to replace an existing entry).
  3. The comparison function used by insert, remove, find etc looks at the contents of the user defined type, not the value of the pointer. This is simpler but has some disadvantages:
    • requires repeated searches for entries
    • has no validity checking on non NULL pointers passed. For example, checking if the pointer has been freed. That is up to the caller.


Known porting problems:

  1. The interpreter assumes sizeof(size_t)=sizeof(void*).
  2. Small differences in floating point results between compiling for 64-bit and 32-bit systems


This project uses GNU make to build executables. The generic project rules are in make.rules. A top-level Makefile includes a .mk makefile from each source directory. For example, here is the top-level Makefile:

SOURCE_DIRS=src docs
include make.rules

and here is src/list/list.mk:

list_PROGRAMS := list_interp
VPATH += src/list
list_interp_C_SOURCES := list.c list_wrapper.c
list_interp_STATIC_LIBRARIES := interp.a
$(call add_extra_CFLAGS_macro,$(list_interp_C_SOURCES),-Isrc/interp)

The make.rules file defines compiler options for PORT=debug (debugging), PORT=yacc (flex/bison debugging), PORT=sanitize (address sanitiser), PORT=coverage, PORT=profile etc. The default options are for the release build.


  1. I only suppress sanitizer and analyzer warnings from the generated interpreter files interp_lex.c and interp_yacc.c . However, compiling with -Wanalyzer-too-complex shows that -fanalyzer often bails out for other source files. For example with calls to the interpreter call-back functions like binaryHeap->debug(...).
  2. The generated file interp_lex.c gives null dereferemce warnings when compiled with -fanalyzer.
  3. The generated file interp_yacc.c gives run-time warnings when compiled with -fsanitize=bounds-strict
  4. The address sanitiser build appears to give false positives when compiling with -O2 and -O3 optimisation.

Build the html version of the doxygen documentation with:

make docs


I maintain librj with Peter Miller’s aegis source code control software. Each change is expected to pass the shell scrupts in the test directory. These shell scripts run an interpreter test script for the data structure being tested. In addition, each test script is expected to run without warnings under the valgrind emulator or with a -fsanitize build. Run the test scripts under valgrind by, for example:

VALGRIND_CMD="valgrind --leak-check=full" sh test/00/t0010a.sh

Initial tests were hard-coded in C. Next, I implemented a Python wrapper for the list class. The result was cumbersome and not valgrind clean. I now use a modified version of a simple interpreter shown in “A Compact Guide to Lex & Yacc” by Thomas Niemann. The interpreter is built from the files src/interp/interp_lex.l and src/interp/interp_yacc.y with implementation details in src/interp/interp_ex.c. The directory for each data structure contains a “wrapper” file that is a “shim” between the implementation of the data structure and the interpreter. The following script shows the syntax for a test of redblackTree_interp:

  # Test file
  for(x=0; x<30; x=x+1;)
    print x;
    insert(l, x);
  x = rand(1000);
  "x=";print x;
  insert(l, x);
  x = 1234;
  p = find(l, x);
  if (p == 0)
    "Didn't find "; print x;
    print *p;
  walk(l, show);
  p=find(l, x);
  remove(l, &x);
  while( x<size(l) ) {
    print *p;
    p=next(l, p);
  uprint time(t);


  1. 26 integer variables named a to z are allowed.
  2. Strings are contained within double quotes.
  3. # starts a comment.
  4. The interpreter uses size_t as the entry type. I assume void* and size_t have the same size.
  5. The & and * operators work as for C
  6. print prints a signed value and uprint prints an unsigned value.
  7. rand(100) returns a random integer in the range 0 to 99.
  8. Failing to put a ; after the third statement in a for() is a syntax error.

Test coverage is determined with GNU gcov and the -sPORT=coverage build. For example, for list_t , test.in is from test/00/t0055a.sh:

$ make PORT=coverage list_interp
$ bin/list_interp < test.in
$ gcov -o obj -s list src/list/list.c
$ less list.c.gcov

Running all the hand-coded tests gave a test coverage of 85.53% for src/list/list.c and 92.72% for src/redblackTree/redblackTree.c.


  • Add a memory pool to the test interpreter
  • Re-design the interpreter to enable unwinding of the expression tree after a syntax error.
  • Test coverage could be improved by modifying the test interpreter so that the test can choose to fail memory allocation.

Performance comparison of binary tree implementations

The interpreters for the bsTree_t, redblackTree_t, sgTree_t, skipList_t , splayTree_t and swTree_t implementations were benchmarked with the benchmark.sh shell script. The PC operating system was 6.1.12-200.fc37.x86_64 GNU/Linux. The CPU is an Intel i7-7700K 4.20GHz with 16GiB RAM. The compiler was Red Hat GCC 12.2.1-4 with options -O3 -flto. The valgrind version is 3.20.0. The binary files were stripped of debugging symbols. A simple test program shows sizeof(uintptr_t)==8. The preamble of the output from cg_annotate running on a cachegrind output file is:

I1 cache:         32768 B, 64 B, 8-way associative
D1 cache:         32768 B, 64 B, 8-way associative
LL cache:         8388608 B, 64 B, 16-way associative

The shell script benchmark_plot.sh extracts and plots the results. The benchmark results are plotted on log-log axes with the x-axis being the number of keys, N, inserted and the y-axis being the result divided by N.

Performance comparison with random keys inserted

This section compares the performance of each tree implementation when the keys inserted and deleted are both y=rand(k). The benchmark results for execution time are shown in the following plot:

The benchmark results for memory allocation are shown in the following plot:

The benchmark results for instruction references are shown in the following plot:

The benchmark results for data reads are shown in the following plot:

The benchmark results for data writes are shown in the following plot:

Performance comparison with sorted keys inserted

This section compares the performance of each tree implementation when the keys inserted are sorted, y=x , and random keys are deleted, y=rand(k). The benchmark results for execution time are shown in the following plot:

The benchmark results for memory allocation are shown in the following plot:

The benchmark results for instruction references are shown in the following plot:

The benchmark results for data reads are shown in the following plot:

The benchmark results for data writes are shown in the following plot:

Comments on the performance comparison

  1. I have not attempted to extract the contribution of the interpreter (particularly interpRand()) to these test results. Scanning the output of gprof suggests that the interpreter contribution can be neglected for tests with more than 10000 entries.
  2. These tests do not consider the effect of a larger “real-world” executable with more I cache misses.
  3. The binary tree implementations variously use recursive and non-recursive insert and/or remove operations.
  4. For inserting random keys, the “knee” in execution time at about N=100000 is most likely due to the size of the LL cache.
  5. The values of depth_factor for the swTree_t and alpha for the sgTree_t have been set to values that avoid regular rebalancing of these trees with insertion of random keys. Rebalancing these trees is an \( \mathcal{O}(N)\) operation that must be done sufficiently rarely that the amortised cost is \( \mathcal{O}(lg\; N)\). The Rivest and Galperin paper shows results for \( 0.55 \le \alpha \le 0.75 \). \( \alpha = 0.4 \) gives good results with random keys but fails with sorted inserted keys.
  6. I do not rebalance the splayTree_t . It appears that this is unnecessary with the random and sorted data used in this benchmark.
  7. I do not attempt to pack the tree structures. For example, the single bit redblackTreeColour_e occupies 4 bytes and the redblackTreeNode_t is aligned so that it occupies 40 bytes.

An example : Finding line segment intersections

intersectList_t implements the algorithm for finding intersections of line segments from Chapter 2 of “Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications”, Second Edition, De Berg et al. Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-65620-0.

Given a list of line segments, the endpoints are stored as “events” in the event queue, a balanced tree ordered by position. The “upper” endpoints are stored with a list of segments sharing that upper endpoint. Events are considered in order. Segments that lie on the current event sweep line are stored in the status tree, a balanced tree ordered by intersection with the sweep line and segment slope. The status tree is initially empty.

For each event:

  1. Find all segments stored in the status tree that contain the event ; they are adjacent. Let lower(event) denote the subset of segments found whose lower endpoint is event, and let interior(event) denote the subset of segments found that contain event in their interior and let upper(event) denote the subset of segments whose upper endpoint is event. Note that, by design, segments in upper(event) cannot appear in the status tree since they have not been encountered yet.
  2. If upper(event)+lower(event)+interior(event) contains more than one segment then create an intersection point for event.
  3. Delete the segments in lower(event)+interior(event) from the status tree.
  4. Insert the segments in upper(event)+interior(event) into the status tree, The order of the segments in the status tree should correspond to the order in which they are intersected by a sweep line just below event. If there is a horizontal segment, it comes last among all segments containing event. (Deleting and re-inserting the segments of interior(event) reverses their order.)
  5. If upper(event)+interior(event) is empty then:
    • let sl and sr be the left and right neighbours of event in the status tree
    • check for a new event point at the intersection of sl and sr


  1. let s' be the leftmost segment of upper(event)+interior(event) in the tree and sl be the left neighbour of s' in the tree
  2. check for a new event point at the intersection of s' and sl
  3. let s'' be the rightmost segment of upper(event)+interior(event) in the tree and sr be the right neighbour of s'' in the tree
  4. check for a new event point at the intersection of s'' and sr.

The test program for intersectList_t, in file intersectList_test.c, reads and writes PostScript files. The test program intersectList_random_test.c generates a random list of line segments and writes a PostScript file. The following figure shows an example of the output from intersectList_random_test.c:

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